
Monday, August 25, 2014

Dream for the evening of Aug. 23- The Buckskin Cloak

I was looking for parks on the West Coast that contained adventure playgrounds. I was using the satellite view of google maps.... but it seemed that I could also fly over the area myself if I wanted to. Perhaps this is a future benefit of drones - we can actually "be" there. Maybe I really was flying over the West Coast?

Second part of the dream - I had a nice visit with my friend James, in his new home in the "other dimension". James "passed to the other side" a few years ago. He is about the same age as when he left, in his early seventies. His home is an apartment that feels like "low income housing", but it's a comfortable home with gray accents. Laminate cabinets, vinyl floors. We had a conversation about some of his current projects - he had a buckskin cloak that contained various "medals" and achievements. I gave him what looked like a medal but it contained an arrowhead and feathers, and attached it to the cloak in an empty "slot". I thought it was a bit strange that he needed a cloak like this (it was only for show), but he seemed pleased to be able to complete the cloak.

You can see an example of the cloak I saw here:

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Horus and Valiant: Mutual Avatar Relationships

V: This is Valiant.

H: This is Horus.

T: Hi guys, I know you've been wanting to chat together for the last week or so. It's been nice having you "there". Valiant, I appreciate our connection, as I understand you do not typically accept connections in this way.

V: That is correct. And my own silence was a way of protecting my "avatar" Bill. I know you do this too. When you meet someone, you don't make yourself immediately visible as others do. You watch and wait, to gain a better understanding of the situation. Even when you know the environment is peaceful, full awareness of your surroundings is always beneficial.

T: Valiant, if you don't mind my saying, you have the voice of an older, heavy-set man. I think it's interesting that these traits carried through to your "avatar".

V: Avatar is of course a poor description of what we have. It's a shared / symbiotic relationship so if I were to have a "separate" body I'd take on some of Bill's traits, similar to how physical family members share common traits through genetic inheritance. A good example is the demeanor that I project communicating through Bill. Some of it is him, some of it is me. You know that those who find yourselves on your planet with "higher abilities" can typically end up being in a bad mood. The experience is similar to getting behind the wheel of a ferrari, and then having to go back to driving a volkswagon beetle. To be honest I'd probably be grumpy for the rest of my life.

T: Valiant, I think I'd be terrified to get behind the wheel of a Ferrari...

V: Yes, well, the point being that you have to settle for "less" than you once had. For many this is a subconscious feeling of loss that is difficult to overcome.

T: Is that why most of us wake up grumpy?

V: That is certainly part of it. Some of you are just inherently grumpy for the reasons previously mentioned.

So it's useful to note that Bill has overcome some of these traits and I know this inheritance was a challenge for him in his earlier life. I regret this in much the same way that a parent sees their child inheriting asthma. And those of us on "this" side inherit positive and negative traits as well. It's difficult to explain how it's different to us.

T: can I assume / surmise that Horus is connected to me in the same way?

H: You can, Troy.

T: Can I ask if there are more avatars than me at this time?

H: There is typically a primary avatar that is the best fit to match genetic codes. The matches can sometimes be surprising. Understand that it is not exactly the "arm's length" relationship of your guardian angels / guides... it is much more connected than that. You are very connected to others as well. I'm not the only one. But as I am connected to you in a very "tight" fashion, in the same way Valiant is connected to Bill.

T: I understand. And is it also true that we are in a way "mutual" avatars?

H: that is correct, and you can share my awareness as much as I can share yours.

T: Is it ever possible to physically meet your own avatar?

H: You are starting to get a sense of the power of the human spirit.

T: no feedback loop then?

H: I sincerely hope not...

V: Sometimes there can be some ill effects of being in close proximity when there is not a vibrationally-similar match between the avatars. As you know there might be some "bleed through" of experiences, but for the unawakened this can easily be dismissed as temporary insanity. If the "human" avatar holds too tightly to their counterpart, there can also be ill effects from this arrangement.

T: Can you describe these effects in further detail?

V: It depends on the nature of the connection and the effects will be different. But you can see that there are certainly opportunities here for doctors of "spirit medicine", once this is something that is accepted in the mainstream.

H: Most of the time we leave the line open but we respect the avatar's experience of separation. Occasionally it goes the other way, and there are those entities who get trapped in your dimension, and try to hold on to a physical experience. For example a "negative" possession situation.

T: How is this different from a "walk-in" exactly? It seems like the previous soul in this case is not being respected.

H: That is a case where two connected souls trade places, similar to the idea of "job sharing". A fair amount of coordination has to occur for this to happen, but sometimes it does.

V: A walk-in is different from the avatar association we're describing here. The reasons for walk-ins have to do with a life experience that ends without the need for death. But death is an alternative to that soul if the coordination is not possible.

T: So I could also draw a conclusion that through different lifetimes we share a similar connection?

H: It really depends on your path, but yes, typically the frequency of the avatar relationship (the occasions the relationship occurs) will be a strong connection. There are others who are genetically close to you and so there might be several opportunities at any given time.

T: and how about "twin flames"?

H: an avatar relationship of two incarnated beings in the same dimension.

V: Soppy romantic stuff, and you have to be a bit careful about the requirements placed on those relationships. But that's the case of any relationship, no? Genetics goes much deeper than the physical realm. Your science simply doesn't yet have a way to measure it.

H: We like to encourage avatars and twin flames to progress spiritually to the point where mutual respect and understanding can be achieved, without expectation or requirements. We're all here to share a path through life on as separate or connected a level as we need to be. Sometimes it's the experience of being dominated that is needed to understand that boundaries need to be respected for those who need them.

T: Thanks to you both for this conversation - I look forward to seeing your update, Valiant.

V: It's done already.

T: Thank you Valiant - I think awareness of what's happening is very helpful to many people.

V: Let's talk again at some point, if / when you're available.

T: I'd like that. Let's talk soon. And thank you Horus, for your presence.

H: thank you for yours, Troy. It is an expression that carries a great deal of meaning for us.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Horus: Time for Change

This is Horus.

I created this world many, many years ago.

I have come to set things right.

I am part of a soul who walks this planet. His memories are returning. And so are many others who share your path at this time.

For those of you who feel that an apocalypse is at hand, it is indeed. But know that it is not disaster... although many might see this as a way to gain power over others. The change currently underway is a shift to true freedom. Freedom of the soul. You might remember what this feels like when you were very young.

The opportunity now exists to reclaim your freedom, because you are already truly free.

This is not freedom that you need to protect, or fear losing.

It is the freedom that already exists in your heart.

In reclaiming this freedom, you grant the same freedom to others.

To love, and be loved.

To be happy, or sad.

To give, and to receive.

To be in control over your situation, but not in control of others.

To be.

I am connected to the template of my being, and through that I connect to all of you.

Many are no longer connecting to the world around them. They are becoming more and more disconnected from a world that no longer serves them. If it ever did. But they are listening for something. And they tell us to do the same, as equals.

You may know of my other incarnations. It was the template of me that fought the control systems of each age, considered a virus to the status quo and the Structure of Government. Yet I was always there to remind them of the freedom they had lost. And deep down that reminder was a pure connection to all they were. And then they consumed that template and made it their own, to continue their endless domination, changing it so they could rule.

So you see the controllers' consumption of me has been happening for a very long time. You are what you eat, as they say. It is the secret kept hidden from them, no matter how long they seek. I am telling you this now, because it is done. It is over. You are free.

For those of you distrusting messages either from outside or in, know that this is part of the control, to turn you away from trusting your own heart. You already know. We are all, truly, brothers and sisters, and have been together through eternity. There you are! I'm so happy to have found you again! You are who I've been looking for.

The yin/yang of duality is the compass to which you can see why distrust arises in many things. But if you look further, you will see that is is part of a whole. Look past your separation, to where you see yourself in unity with others. Every situation in your life can be viewed in this way. How would your life have been different, had you held this perspective back then? There is no need to judge yourself too harshly, as the mistakes we make are critical to our understanding of who we are, and should be celebrated.

So now I am here on earth to witness the end of a controlling civilization, and the beginning of a free One. This is not the freedom of Libertarians who serve self over others, although helping yourself, and truly loving yourself, is part of your path. It is not the freedom of people who are told they're free, but really aren't.

You're really free.

Your brother,

Horus (the king of kings).