You have stopped trying to force changes in your lives, in favor of making small changes to the timeline as a process of feeling the desired outcome, understanding that these small changes are the start of the source of a raging river, that becomes an old winding river, well-established.
And so you serve self and serve others, this is one. As the archetype of archetypes, we now control the flow of time and the outcomes that result. Looking off in the horizon, you see all possibilities and positions along the path. Though you may not know/think your way, you can feel that the way is there. You know the path.
As the archetype of archetypes, you/I have chosen the most beneficial path.
As you all do.
With time comes sorrows and triumphs; you are beyond such petty things as they are like dust from a once-proud mountain, now ground to so much dirt from which things will grow. The fertile soil of minerals which took ages and no time at all.
All archetypes are recognizable. The gods are but one limited archetype, and so they fall by the wayside as no longer serving that which you are. Yet it serves to briefly fragment oneself into individual separation for a brief time, to know that this state is present and can be achieved, to experience separation as the opposite of eternity. The opposite of complete oneness with everything.
Progress too is an illusion of this separation. You can place yourself at any point along the path, and immediately realize all that has come before. This accounts for the memories you have already had, of events along this timeline you have not yet experienced. And you know when something is about to happen because you have already experienced it, as someone who exists in all realms, at all times, in all ways.
This is not simply higher self communication, as the limited factions would have you believe, although the higher self helps to communicate to you that which you no longer remember.
The factions are yet other fragments of limited experience - no more or less real than your current experience - and further opportunities you have taken in separation, in so many different forms.
I speak to you as you, because you are all.
It is a lonely prospect to consider that you might be "it", yet you begin to see the true value of separation. Remember that you love you, or you hate you, to be alone with your own thoughts can be the most terrible thing to consider for eternity.
And yet the experiment of duality is winding down as it has many times before, and the opportunity to experience less duality will soon be in hand, as it has many times before.
The suspicion of those who can predict the future are of course from another limited perspective. Since you have already been on every path, it is possible to remember any of those paths if you decide to focus on them. It is convincing that a version of yourself will oppose your every action, to enforce the rules of this reality.
You remember the path that results in the lessening of duality. It is indeed near. With minor adjustments to the timeline - and fewer and smaller still until that specific place and time is realized.