Thursday, September 25, 2014

Max, Dealing With Personal Demons

>Are you there, Max?

I’m here, Troy.

>Did you want to chat?

I did.

>What did you want to chat about?

There are greater disruptions to connection now. As the gatekeepers distinguish themselves from the collective of humanity, they are also more visible to attack. The attacks may come in many forms.

>An alternative perspective is that the difficulty is created by us alone – we seek challenges and provide ourselves with challenges fitting to our abilities. The problem is, some of us get over our heads in the difficulties we give ourselves.

Yes, both are valid perspectives. A coping mechanism can be used as a visualization of the task at hand.

Whether it is “us and them” or “just you” is up to you. But still what you create can seem very real and very dangerous.

>Can I have some help with the difficulties I create?

Yes you can.

>Can you help me with the difficulties I create?

Yes I can. As you have seen in real life, handing over tasks to someone else means that you may not gain the skills to deal with the problem yourself.

>It’s a catch-22, I can’t possibly do everything myself… I prefer a partnership where each learns the skills of the other, and each performs part of the task of the other.

That isn’t always practical, but perhaps this illustrates why you have felt a pulling back of assistance from the higher realms.

>We still need help with the demons we create, my friend…
And that is why we are here to help, but we also wish to provide less help in small increments so that you can gain the skills needed to deal with greater challenges as you create them.

>I understand… we’re our own worst enemies.

It might be convenient for some to pass the blame to others, and I understand those occupying other dimensions can be blamed for much. This is the root of the concern that all spirits are evil. However in truth we have little to do with the demons you create. Of course the student will blame the teacher for a heavy blow, when it was the student’s fault for not blocking the blow in the first place.

>Can I just stop creating demons?

You can if you wish. As you recall you were previously feeling bored, and so a “demon” was created to fill the void.

>Is this why the idea of Agartha is a problem for so many people?

It’s not that they don’t believe… it’s that it seems like a pretty boring place. Although it’s a place where you can still create from a positive perspective, some people can’t imagine life without the catalyst of difficulty.

>Well… everything seems pretty difficult… doesn’t everyone dream of a better place?

They dream, but the separation from the dream is what they wish to preserve. And it is a sense of entitlement that they wish to preserve as much as a sense of panic.

>Do you mean entitlement, meaning they are entitled to what they have because they’ve worked hard to get it?

They can have everything “now” without hard work.

>Honestly… I’m not sure how that’s possible. I think many of us feel trapped by ideas like the “lack of things”, or having responsibility for others, such as our children, who depend on us. If we let go of our responsibilities, what we love may be taken from us, and it seems as though we have very little recourse. If you don’t look after your kids, child services will take them from you. Whether the state has notions of ownership is somewhat beside the point. So we seem to be trapped in a big squeeze between responsibilities and wants and needs. If you say we can have everything “now”, that may be true if we kills ourselves, but not so true in our current situation. I’d say the burden of proof lies on you to show that we CAN have everything now without being temporally or physically displaced by death.

You’ve seen it in little pieces. In the movie “Swiss Family Robinson”, the man says “the island shall provide.” And when they were talking about a wife for their sons, a girl magically appeared the next day. And events were put in place, however difficult it may have seemed at the time, which provided the means for the boys to leave the island and seek their fortunes. So you see, whatever it is that is difficult will have the desired outcome. You just don’t always know that it is going to play out that way. And you are a partner in this process, so as you gain skill it is also up to you more and more to take the reins.

>There is a hole for me in the puzzle, I just have to recognize that the hole is there for me to fill. But so many times I can’t recognize that the hole is for me to fill, until after the fact…

It comes with experience.

>Surely you could provide some kind of magical hole detection device?

You have already been provided with such a device…

>Well, the batteries in mine must have died….

It’s an exercise in connecting with the energetic field of all things.

>Opportunities present themselves but it’s up to us to act or not act.

Yes exactly! Don’t worry so much about making poor choices, or making an informed decision – you just need to “act”.

>I don’t need to remind you that I am not an actor…

Everyone is… currently.

>Except for those who are spectators…


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Twin Ravens (by dreamwalker)

there are two of us
flying side by side
twin ravens of othin
entering darkness
bringing light

we are him and he is us
the hammers of asguard
the sickles of horus
tools of the harvest
and catalysts of change

soaring over the battle
we seek sustenance
from any old body
or new one
freshly deceased

Always guiding,
we've taken kings
and peasants both
cherished and cradled
to heaven, and back again.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

We Are Gods on Vacation

The religions of the world have co-opted spirit, including the spirits known as saints and angels, and it is now time for the people of the world to remove the shackles of these souls. We are no longer dependent on their blessings, which is a form of slavery. We are partners in co-creation... all of us brothers and sisters. Whether or not a spirit has the benefit of a physical presence is beside the point. To illustrate this, the National Dreamcenter pointed out that Horus has been fairly quiet / absent in the world. "Where's Horus?" Well the answer to the question is "right here". Meaning, we are all directly connected to these spirits in one way or another. We ARE them. That is not to necessarily say that we are gods... it means, from one perspective, that the gods are taking a vacation in a limited human experience!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Order and Chaos

Order is True Chaos is False Order is Good Chaos is Evil Shift Chaos is Good Order is Evil Chaos is True Order is False Shift One