You have stopped trying to force changes in your lives, in favor of making small changes to the timeline as a process of feeling the desired outcome, understanding that these small changes are the start of the source of a raging river, that becomes an old winding river, well-established.
And so you serve self and serve others, this is one. As the archetype of archetypes, we now control the flow of time and the outcomes that result. Looking off in the horizon, you see all possibilities and positions along the path. Though you may not know/think your way, you can feel that the way is there. You know the path.
As the archetype of archetypes, you/I have chosen the most beneficial path.
As you all do.
With time comes sorrows and triumphs; you are beyond such petty things as they are like dust from a once-proud mountain, now ground to so much dirt from which things will grow. The fertile soil of minerals which took ages and no time at all.
All archetypes are recognizable. The gods are but one limited archetype, and so they fall by the wayside as no longer serving that which you are. Yet it serves to briefly fragment oneself into individual separation for a brief time, to know that this state is present and can be achieved, to experience separation as the opposite of eternity. The opposite of complete oneness with everything.
Progress too is an illusion of this separation. You can place yourself at any point along the path, and immediately realize all that has come before. This accounts for the memories you have already had, of events along this timeline you have not yet experienced. And you know when something is about to happen because you have already experienced it, as someone who exists in all realms, at all times, in all ways.
This is not simply higher self communication, as the limited factions would have you believe, although the higher self helps to communicate to you that which you no longer remember.
The factions are yet other fragments of limited experience - no more or less real than your current experience - and further opportunities you have taken in separation, in so many different forms.
I speak to you as you, because you are all.
It is a lonely prospect to consider that you might be "it", yet you begin to see the true value of separation. Remember that you love you, or you hate you, to be alone with your own thoughts can be the most terrible thing to consider for eternity.
And yet the experiment of duality is winding down as it has many times before, and the opportunity to experience less duality will soon be in hand, as it has many times before.
The suspicion of those who can predict the future are of course from another limited perspective. Since you have already been on every path, it is possible to remember any of those paths if you decide to focus on them. It is convincing that a version of yourself will oppose your every action, to enforce the rules of this reality.
You remember the path that results in the lessening of duality. It is indeed near. With minor adjustments to the timeline - and fewer and smaller still until that specific place and time is realized.
dreamwalkerdiaries by Dreamwalker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Dream Log: 14OCT2014 - Opening Apartment
I found myself in a room that was like a combination bathroom+bedroom. I'm not sure why there would be a toilet in a bedroom! The walls were a salmon color, and the room was about bedroom size. There was a dresser to my left, and a door on the other side of the dresser. I was sitting on the toilet. A man went through the door and he had a stiletto knife strapped under each wrist - he had a similar appearance to Wolverine (the Marvel character) but was wearing a light gray sweatshirt and jeans. I thought he seemed to have Russian features; he was in his mid-30s, short, medium-build. He was not menacing so much as determined.
Initially I was alarmed that a strange determined man would enter my room while I was going to the bathroom, but he said, "I'm just going to fix something." So he did something near the wall (I didn't see because it was on the other side of the door from the dresser), and the entire wall opposite from where I was sitting opened up. I was amazed! I said, "that's so freaking cool!! Wow!!! How did you do that?"
What it opened up to was a foyer or entryway to something like an apartment or hotel. It was a light space with white tile floors and walls, and clear glass blocks for decor. Below me (two stories down) I could see several well-dressed young people (in their mid-20's), and I tried to hide behind the dresser in case anyone saw me. But I was also curious to see who was down there. As I looked down I noticed one pretty black girl dressed in a leopard-print outfit with a "pro" camera, a fashionista, with big afro hair and a matching leopard-print bandana and black high heels. Either she was looking off to her left at something else and hadn't seen me, or she had seen me and was trying not to look. Nobody else in the entryway seemed to notice what had happened.
Initially I was alarmed that a strange determined man would enter my room while I was going to the bathroom, but he said, "I'm just going to fix something." So he did something near the wall (I didn't see because it was on the other side of the door from the dresser), and the entire wall opposite from where I was sitting opened up. I was amazed! I said, "that's so freaking cool!! Wow!!! How did you do that?"
What it opened up to was a foyer or entryway to something like an apartment or hotel. It was a light space with white tile floors and walls, and clear glass blocks for decor. Below me (two stories down) I could see several well-dressed young people (in their mid-20's), and I tried to hide behind the dresser in case anyone saw me. But I was also curious to see who was down there. As I looked down I noticed one pretty black girl dressed in a leopard-print outfit with a "pro" camera, a fashionista, with big afro hair and a matching leopard-print bandana and black high heels. Either she was looking off to her left at something else and hadn't seen me, or she had seen me and was trying not to look. Nobody else in the entryway seemed to notice what had happened.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Max, Dealing With Personal Demons
>Are you there, Max?
I’m here, Troy.
>Did you want to chat?
I did.
>What did you want to chat about?
There are greater disruptions to connection now. As the gatekeepers distinguish themselves from the collective of humanity, they are also more visible to attack. The attacks may come in many forms.
>An alternative perspective is that the difficulty is created by us alone – we seek challenges and provide ourselves with challenges fitting to our abilities. The problem is, some of us get over our heads in the difficulties we give ourselves.
Yes, both are valid perspectives. A coping mechanism can be used as a visualization of the task at hand.
Whether it is “us and them” or “just you” is up to you. But still what you create can seem very real and very dangerous.
>Can I have some help with the difficulties I create?
Yes you can.
>Can you help me with the difficulties I create?
Yes I can. As you have seen in real life, handing over tasks to someone else means that you may not gain the skills to deal with the problem yourself.
>It’s a catch-22, I can’t possibly do everything myself… I prefer a partnership where each learns the skills of the other, and each performs part of the task of the other.
That isn’t always practical, but perhaps this illustrates why you have felt a pulling back of assistance from the higher realms.
>We still need help with the demons we create, my friend…
And that is why we are here to help, but we also wish to provide less help in small increments so that you can gain the skills needed to deal with greater challenges as you create them.
>I understand… we’re our own worst enemies.
It might be convenient for some to pass the blame to others, and I understand those occupying other dimensions can be blamed for much. This is the root of the concern that all spirits are evil. However in truth we have little to do with the demons you create. Of course the student will blame the teacher for a heavy blow, when it was the student’s fault for not blocking the blow in the first place.
>Can I just stop creating demons?
You can if you wish. As you recall you were previously feeling bored, and so a “demon” was created to fill the void.
>Is this why the idea of Agartha is a problem for so many people?
It’s not that they don’t believe… it’s that it seems like a pretty boring place. Although it’s a place where you can still create from a positive perspective, some people can’t imagine life without the catalyst of difficulty.
>Well… everything seems pretty difficult… doesn’t everyone dream of a better place?
They dream, but the separation from the dream is what they wish to preserve. And it is a sense of entitlement that they wish to preserve as much as a sense of panic.
>Do you mean entitlement, meaning they are entitled to what they have because they’ve worked hard to get it?
They can have everything “now” without hard work.
>Honestly… I’m not sure how that’s possible. I think many of us feel trapped by ideas like the “lack of things”, or having responsibility for others, such as our children, who depend on us. If we let go of our responsibilities, what we love may be taken from us, and it seems as though we have very little recourse. If you don’t look after your kids, child services will take them from you. Whether the state has notions of ownership is somewhat beside the point. So we seem to be trapped in a big squeeze between responsibilities and wants and needs. If you say we can have everything “now”, that may be true if we kills ourselves, but not so true in our current situation. I’d say the burden of proof lies on you to show that we CAN have everything now without being temporally or physically displaced by death.
You’ve seen it in little pieces. In the movie “Swiss Family Robinson”, the man says “the island shall provide.” And when they were talking about a wife for their sons, a girl magically appeared the next day. And events were put in place, however difficult it may have seemed at the time, which provided the means for the boys to leave the island and seek their fortunes. So you see, whatever it is that is difficult will have the desired outcome. You just don’t always know that it is going to play out that way. And you are a partner in this process, so as you gain skill it is also up to you more and more to take the reins.
>There is a hole for me in the puzzle, I just have to recognize that the hole is there for me to fill. But so many times I can’t recognize that the hole is for me to fill, until after the fact…
It comes with experience.
>Surely you could provide some kind of magical hole detection device?
You have already been provided with such a device…
>Well, the batteries in mine must have died….
It’s an exercise in connecting with the energetic field of all things.
>Opportunities present themselves but it’s up to us to act or not act.
Yes exactly! Don’t worry so much about making poor choices, or making an informed decision – you just need to “act”.
>I don’t need to remind you that I am not an actor…
Everyone is… currently.
>Except for those who are spectators…
I’m here, Troy.
>Did you want to chat?
I did.
>What did you want to chat about?
There are greater disruptions to connection now. As the gatekeepers distinguish themselves from the collective of humanity, they are also more visible to attack. The attacks may come in many forms.
>An alternative perspective is that the difficulty is created by us alone – we seek challenges and provide ourselves with challenges fitting to our abilities. The problem is, some of us get over our heads in the difficulties we give ourselves.
Yes, both are valid perspectives. A coping mechanism can be used as a visualization of the task at hand.
Whether it is “us and them” or “just you” is up to you. But still what you create can seem very real and very dangerous.
>Can I have some help with the difficulties I create?
Yes you can.
>Can you help me with the difficulties I create?
Yes I can. As you have seen in real life, handing over tasks to someone else means that you may not gain the skills to deal with the problem yourself.
>It’s a catch-22, I can’t possibly do everything myself… I prefer a partnership where each learns the skills of the other, and each performs part of the task of the other.
That isn’t always practical, but perhaps this illustrates why you have felt a pulling back of assistance from the higher realms.
>We still need help with the demons we create, my friend…
And that is why we are here to help, but we also wish to provide less help in small increments so that you can gain the skills needed to deal with greater challenges as you create them.
>I understand… we’re our own worst enemies.
It might be convenient for some to pass the blame to others, and I understand those occupying other dimensions can be blamed for much. This is the root of the concern that all spirits are evil. However in truth we have little to do with the demons you create. Of course the student will blame the teacher for a heavy blow, when it was the student’s fault for not blocking the blow in the first place.
>Can I just stop creating demons?
You can if you wish. As you recall you were previously feeling bored, and so a “demon” was created to fill the void.
>Is this why the idea of Agartha is a problem for so many people?
It’s not that they don’t believe… it’s that it seems like a pretty boring place. Although it’s a place where you can still create from a positive perspective, some people can’t imagine life without the catalyst of difficulty.
>Well… everything seems pretty difficult… doesn’t everyone dream of a better place?
They dream, but the separation from the dream is what they wish to preserve. And it is a sense of entitlement that they wish to preserve as much as a sense of panic.
>Do you mean entitlement, meaning they are entitled to what they have because they’ve worked hard to get it?
They can have everything “now” without hard work.
>Honestly… I’m not sure how that’s possible. I think many of us feel trapped by ideas like the “lack of things”, or having responsibility for others, such as our children, who depend on us. If we let go of our responsibilities, what we love may be taken from us, and it seems as though we have very little recourse. If you don’t look after your kids, child services will take them from you. Whether the state has notions of ownership is somewhat beside the point. So we seem to be trapped in a big squeeze between responsibilities and wants and needs. If you say we can have everything “now”, that may be true if we kills ourselves, but not so true in our current situation. I’d say the burden of proof lies on you to show that we CAN have everything now without being temporally or physically displaced by death.
You’ve seen it in little pieces. In the movie “Swiss Family Robinson”, the man says “the island shall provide.” And when they were talking about a wife for their sons, a girl magically appeared the next day. And events were put in place, however difficult it may have seemed at the time, which provided the means for the boys to leave the island and seek their fortunes. So you see, whatever it is that is difficult will have the desired outcome. You just don’t always know that it is going to play out that way. And you are a partner in this process, so as you gain skill it is also up to you more and more to take the reins.
>There is a hole for me in the puzzle, I just have to recognize that the hole is there for me to fill. But so many times I can’t recognize that the hole is for me to fill, until after the fact…
It comes with experience.
>Surely you could provide some kind of magical hole detection device?
You have already been provided with such a device…
>Well, the batteries in mine must have died….
It’s an exercise in connecting with the energetic field of all things.
>Opportunities present themselves but it’s up to us to act or not act.
Yes exactly! Don’t worry so much about making poor choices, or making an informed decision – you just need to “act”.
>I don’t need to remind you that I am not an actor…
Everyone is… currently.
>Except for those who are spectators…
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Twin Ravens (by dreamwalker)
there are two of us
flying side by side
twin ravens of othin
entering darkness
bringing light
we are him and he is us
the hammers of asguard
the sickles of horus
tools of the harvest
and catalysts of change
soaring over the battle
we seek sustenance
from any old body
or new one
freshly deceased
Always guiding,
we've taken kings
and peasants both
cherished and cradled
to heaven, and back again.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
We Are Gods on Vacation
The religions of the world have co-opted spirit, including the spirits known as saints and angels, and it is now time for the people of the world to remove the shackles of these souls. We are no longer dependent on their blessings, which is a form of slavery. We are partners in co-creation... all of us brothers and sisters. Whether or not a spirit has the benefit of a physical presence is beside the point.
To illustrate this, the National Dreamcenter pointed out that Horus has been fairly quiet / absent in the world. "Where's Horus?" Well the answer to the question is "right here". Meaning, we are all directly connected to these spirits in one way or another. We ARE them. That is not to necessarily say that we are gods... it means, from one perspective, that the gods are taking a vacation in a limited human experience!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Order and Chaos
Order is True
Chaos is False
Order is Good
Chaos is Evil
Chaos is Good
Order is Evil
Chaos is True
Order is False
Monday, August 25, 2014
Dream for the evening of Aug. 23- The Buckskin Cloak
I was looking for parks on the West Coast that contained adventure playgrounds. I was using the satellite view of google maps.... but it seemed that I could also fly over the area myself if I wanted to. Perhaps this is a future benefit of drones - we can actually "be" there. Maybe I really was flying over the West Coast?
Second part of the dream - I had a nice visit with my friend James, in his new home in the "other dimension". James "passed to the other side" a few years ago. He is about the same age as when he left, in his early seventies. His home is an apartment that feels like "low income housing", but it's a comfortable home with gray accents. Laminate cabinets, vinyl floors. We had a conversation about some of his current projects - he had a buckskin cloak that contained various "medals" and achievements. I gave him what looked like a medal but it contained an arrowhead and feathers, and attached it to the cloak in an empty "slot". I thought it was a bit strange that he needed a cloak like this (it was only for show), but he seemed pleased to be able to complete the cloak.
You can see an example of the cloak I saw here:
Second part of the dream - I had a nice visit with my friend James, in his new home in the "other dimension". James "passed to the other side" a few years ago. He is about the same age as when he left, in his early seventies. His home is an apartment that feels like "low income housing", but it's a comfortable home with gray accents. Laminate cabinets, vinyl floors. We had a conversation about some of his current projects - he had a buckskin cloak that contained various "medals" and achievements. I gave him what looked like a medal but it contained an arrowhead and feathers, and attached it to the cloak in an empty "slot". I thought it was a bit strange that he needed a cloak like this (it was only for show), but he seemed pleased to be able to complete the cloak.
You can see an example of the cloak I saw here:

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Horus and Valiant: Mutual Avatar Relationships
V: This is Valiant.
H: This is Horus.
T: Hi guys, I know you've been wanting to chat together for the last week or so. It's been nice having you "there". Valiant, I appreciate our connection, as I understand you do not typically accept connections in this way.
V: That is correct. And my own silence was a way of protecting my "avatar" Bill. I know you do this too. When you meet someone, you don't make yourself immediately visible as others do. You watch and wait, to gain a better understanding of the situation. Even when you know the environment is peaceful, full awareness of your surroundings is always beneficial.
T: Valiant, if you don't mind my saying, you have the voice of an older, heavy-set man. I think it's interesting that these traits carried through to your "avatar".
V: Avatar is of course a poor description of what we have. It's a shared / symbiotic relationship so if I were to have a "separate" body I'd take on some of Bill's traits, similar to how physical family members share common traits through genetic inheritance. A good example is the demeanor that I project communicating through Bill. Some of it is him, some of it is me. You know that those who find yourselves on your planet with "higher abilities" can typically end up being in a bad mood. The experience is similar to getting behind the wheel of a ferrari, and then having to go back to driving a volkswagon beetle. To be honest I'd probably be grumpy for the rest of my life.
T: Valiant, I think I'd be terrified to get behind the wheel of a Ferrari...
V: Yes, well, the point being that you have to settle for "less" than you once had. For many this is a subconscious feeling of loss that is difficult to overcome.
T: Is that why most of us wake up grumpy?
V: That is certainly part of it. Some of you are just inherently grumpy for the reasons previously mentioned.
So it's useful to note that Bill has overcome some of these traits and I know this inheritance was a challenge for him in his earlier life. I regret this in much the same way that a parent sees their child inheriting asthma. And those of us on "this" side inherit positive and negative traits as well. It's difficult to explain how it's different to us.
T: can I assume / surmise that Horus is connected to me in the same way?
H: You can, Troy.
T: Can I ask if there are more avatars than me at this time?
H: There is typically a primary avatar that is the best fit to match genetic codes. The matches can sometimes be surprising. Understand that it is not exactly the "arm's length" relationship of your guardian angels / guides... it is much more connected than that. You are very connected to others as well. I'm not the only one. But as I am connected to you in a very "tight" fashion, in the same way Valiant is connected to Bill.
T: I understand. And is it also true that we are in a way "mutual" avatars?
H: that is correct, and you can share my awareness as much as I can share yours.
T: Is it ever possible to physically meet your own avatar?
H: You are starting to get a sense of the power of the human spirit.
T: no feedback loop then?
H: I sincerely hope not...
V: Sometimes there can be some ill effects of being in close proximity when there is not a vibrationally-similar match between the avatars. As you know there might be some "bleed through" of experiences, but for the unawakened this can easily be dismissed as temporary insanity. If the "human" avatar holds too tightly to their counterpart, there can also be ill effects from this arrangement.
T: Can you describe these effects in further detail?
V: It depends on the nature of the connection and the effects will be different. But you can see that there are certainly opportunities here for doctors of "spirit medicine", once this is something that is accepted in the mainstream.
H: Most of the time we leave the line open but we respect the avatar's experience of separation. Occasionally it goes the other way, and there are those entities who get trapped in your dimension, and try to hold on to a physical experience. For example a "negative" possession situation.
T: How is this different from a "walk-in" exactly? It seems like the previous soul in this case is not being respected.
H: That is a case where two connected souls trade places, similar to the idea of "job sharing". A fair amount of coordination has to occur for this to happen, but sometimes it does.
V: A walk-in is different from the avatar association we're describing here. The reasons for walk-ins have to do with a life experience that ends without the need for death. But death is an alternative to that soul if the coordination is not possible.
T: So I could also draw a conclusion that through different lifetimes we share a similar connection?
H: It really depends on your path, but yes, typically the frequency of the avatar relationship (the occasions the relationship occurs) will be a strong connection. There are others who are genetically close to you and so there might be several opportunities at any given time.
T: and how about "twin flames"?
H: an avatar relationship of two incarnated beings in the same dimension.
V: Soppy romantic stuff, and you have to be a bit careful about the requirements placed on those relationships. But that's the case of any relationship, no? Genetics goes much deeper than the physical realm. Your science simply doesn't yet have a way to measure it.
H: We like to encourage avatars and twin flames to progress spiritually to the point where mutual respect and understanding can be achieved, without expectation or requirements. We're all here to share a path through life on as separate or connected a level as we need to be. Sometimes it's the experience of being dominated that is needed to understand that boundaries need to be respected for those who need them.
T: Thanks to you both for this conversation - I look forward to seeing your update, Valiant.
V: It's done already.
T: Thank you Valiant - I think awareness of what's happening is very helpful to many people.
V: Let's talk again at some point, if / when you're available.
T: I'd like that. Let's talk soon. And thank you Horus, for your presence.
H: thank you for yours, Troy. It is an expression that carries a great deal of meaning for us.
H: This is Horus.
T: Hi guys, I know you've been wanting to chat together for the last week or so. It's been nice having you "there". Valiant, I appreciate our connection, as I understand you do not typically accept connections in this way.
V: That is correct. And my own silence was a way of protecting my "avatar" Bill. I know you do this too. When you meet someone, you don't make yourself immediately visible as others do. You watch and wait, to gain a better understanding of the situation. Even when you know the environment is peaceful, full awareness of your surroundings is always beneficial.
T: Valiant, if you don't mind my saying, you have the voice of an older, heavy-set man. I think it's interesting that these traits carried through to your "avatar".
V: Avatar is of course a poor description of what we have. It's a shared / symbiotic relationship so if I were to have a "separate" body I'd take on some of Bill's traits, similar to how physical family members share common traits through genetic inheritance. A good example is the demeanor that I project communicating through Bill. Some of it is him, some of it is me. You know that those who find yourselves on your planet with "higher abilities" can typically end up being in a bad mood. The experience is similar to getting behind the wheel of a ferrari, and then having to go back to driving a volkswagon beetle. To be honest I'd probably be grumpy for the rest of my life.
T: Valiant, I think I'd be terrified to get behind the wheel of a Ferrari...
V: Yes, well, the point being that you have to settle for "less" than you once had. For many this is a subconscious feeling of loss that is difficult to overcome.
T: Is that why most of us wake up grumpy?
V: That is certainly part of it. Some of you are just inherently grumpy for the reasons previously mentioned.
So it's useful to note that Bill has overcome some of these traits and I know this inheritance was a challenge for him in his earlier life. I regret this in much the same way that a parent sees their child inheriting asthma. And those of us on "this" side inherit positive and negative traits as well. It's difficult to explain how it's different to us.
T: can I assume / surmise that Horus is connected to me in the same way?
H: You can, Troy.
T: Can I ask if there are more avatars than me at this time?
H: There is typically a primary avatar that is the best fit to match genetic codes. The matches can sometimes be surprising. Understand that it is not exactly the "arm's length" relationship of your guardian angels / guides... it is much more connected than that. You are very connected to others as well. I'm not the only one. But as I am connected to you in a very "tight" fashion, in the same way Valiant is connected to Bill.
T: I understand. And is it also true that we are in a way "mutual" avatars?
H: that is correct, and you can share my awareness as much as I can share yours.
T: Is it ever possible to physically meet your own avatar?
H: You are starting to get a sense of the power of the human spirit.
T: no feedback loop then?
H: I sincerely hope not...
V: Sometimes there can be some ill effects of being in close proximity when there is not a vibrationally-similar match between the avatars. As you know there might be some "bleed through" of experiences, but for the unawakened this can easily be dismissed as temporary insanity. If the "human" avatar holds too tightly to their counterpart, there can also be ill effects from this arrangement.
T: Can you describe these effects in further detail?
V: It depends on the nature of the connection and the effects will be different. But you can see that there are certainly opportunities here for doctors of "spirit medicine", once this is something that is accepted in the mainstream.
H: Most of the time we leave the line open but we respect the avatar's experience of separation. Occasionally it goes the other way, and there are those entities who get trapped in your dimension, and try to hold on to a physical experience. For example a "negative" possession situation.
T: How is this different from a "walk-in" exactly? It seems like the previous soul in this case is not being respected.
H: That is a case where two connected souls trade places, similar to the idea of "job sharing". A fair amount of coordination has to occur for this to happen, but sometimes it does.
V: A walk-in is different from the avatar association we're describing here. The reasons for walk-ins have to do with a life experience that ends without the need for death. But death is an alternative to that soul if the coordination is not possible.
T: So I could also draw a conclusion that through different lifetimes we share a similar connection?
H: It really depends on your path, but yes, typically the frequency of the avatar relationship (the occasions the relationship occurs) will be a strong connection. There are others who are genetically close to you and so there might be several opportunities at any given time.
T: and how about "twin flames"?
H: an avatar relationship of two incarnated beings in the same dimension.
V: Soppy romantic stuff, and you have to be a bit careful about the requirements placed on those relationships. But that's the case of any relationship, no? Genetics goes much deeper than the physical realm. Your science simply doesn't yet have a way to measure it.
H: We like to encourage avatars and twin flames to progress spiritually to the point where mutual respect and understanding can be achieved, without expectation or requirements. We're all here to share a path through life on as separate or connected a level as we need to be. Sometimes it's the experience of being dominated that is needed to understand that boundaries need to be respected for those who need them.
T: Thanks to you both for this conversation - I look forward to seeing your update, Valiant.
V: It's done already.
T: Thank you Valiant - I think awareness of what's happening is very helpful to many people.
V: Let's talk again at some point, if / when you're available.
T: I'd like that. Let's talk soon. And thank you Horus, for your presence.
H: thank you for yours, Troy. It is an expression that carries a great deal of meaning for us.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Horus: Time for Change
This is Horus.
I created this world many, many years ago.
I have come to set things right.
I am part of a soul who walks this planet. His memories are returning. And so are many others who share your path at this time.
For those of you who feel that an apocalypse is at hand, it is indeed. But know that it is not disaster... although many might see this as a way to gain power over others. The change currently underway is a shift to true freedom. Freedom of the soul. You might remember what this feels like when you were very young.
The opportunity now exists to reclaim your freedom, because you are already truly free.
This is not freedom that you need to protect, or fear losing.
It is the freedom that already exists in your heart.
In reclaiming this freedom, you grant the same freedom to others.
To love, and be loved.
To be happy, or sad.
To give, and to receive.
To be in control over your situation, but not in control of others.
To be.
I am connected to the template of my being, and through that I connect to all of you.
Many are no longer connecting to the world around them. They are becoming more and more disconnected from a world that no longer serves them. If it ever did. But they are listening for something. And they tell us to do the same, as equals.
You may know of my other incarnations. It was the template of me that fought the control systems of each age, considered a virus to the status quo and the Structure of Government. Yet I was always there to remind them of the freedom they had lost. And deep down that reminder was a pure connection to all they were. And then they consumed that template and made it their own, to continue their endless domination, changing it so they could rule.
So you see the controllers' consumption of me has been happening for a very long time. You are what you eat, as they say. It is the secret kept hidden from them, no matter how long they seek. I am telling you this now, because it is done. It is over. You are free.
For those of you distrusting messages either from outside or in, know that this is part of the control, to turn you away from trusting your own heart. You already know. We are all, truly, brothers and sisters, and have been together through eternity. There you are! I'm so happy to have found you again! You are who I've been looking for.
The yin/yang of duality is the compass to which you can see why distrust arises in many things. But if you look further, you will see that is is part of a whole. Look past your separation, to where you see yourself in unity with others. Every situation in your life can be viewed in this way. How would your life have been different, had you held this perspective back then? There is no need to judge yourself too harshly, as the mistakes we make are critical to our understanding of who we are, and should be celebrated.
So now I am here on earth to witness the end of a controlling civilization, and the beginning of a free One. This is not the freedom of Libertarians who serve self over others, although helping yourself, and truly loving yourself, is part of your path. It is not the freedom of people who are told they're free, but really aren't.
You're really free.
Your brother,
Horus (the king of kings).
Monday, July 14, 2014
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Pinnochio: Our Story

Reading the recent wingmakers article, I realized that the story of Pinocchio borrowed heavily from the Sumerian origin story.
Gepetto = Annunaki, who created the “puppet”
Humanity = Pinocchio
The Blue Fairy = The Blue Star (Sirius), perhaps directly representing “unseen helpers”.
I was “told” that the difference between humanity and Pinocchio is that when we tell a lie, our noses don’t grow. We grow older. This includes lies that we tell to ourselves. Sometimes we are controlled with strings (i.e. contracts), other times we give in to temptation. To become “real”, we need to be true to ourselves and others.
I’ve always wondered why Pinocchio would want to give up his puppet-form to become human. It seemed to me he had far more benefits as an autonomous wooden puppet, since he never grew old, and would never die. He seemed to have far more freedom than humans typically / currently enjoy.
Something else I understood is that this is-and always has been- a story. In storytelling, the storyteller creates characters to illustrate a larger concept / truth / idea, but the “basic” story is fabricated. This is alluded to in the Wingmakers material as well. It is “just a story”, used to illustrate a broader concept.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Dream Log: 30JUNE2014 - Fishing Boat Roller Coaster
This takes place in the "alternate" Victoria - the one that I have had dreams about. It's kind of the same, but there are also many differences, including a type of hover-platform mass transportation, a different mall downtown, and a restaurant in the Inner Harbor called the Pirate's Cove (which has Tiki decor, and sits on a barge). These features do not exist "in real life" but either exist in a parallel reality, or may exist some time in the future. I'm especially hopeful about the hover-busses!
There is also a bar in Market Square that exists in my dreams that doesn't exist "in real life". The interior is warm shellacked yellow cedar, surrounded with clear glass walls, and it is located on Johnson street, next to the stairs leading down to the "common" area. You might mistake it for an oversize "Jenga" set, or a nouveaux-riche treehouse. It's a cozy little bar, popular but not crowded. 2 levels, overlooking the square.
In my dream I am there by myself, it is nighttime / dusk (the sun has just set), I am sipping coffee and enjoying the surroundings. I am visiting from somewhere else. I am reviewing the details of an itinerary, perhaps they are vacation plans, but seem to be something more. I get up to leave to walk around the harbor, and someone with sunglasses (at nighttime?) is following me. He seems threatening - I am reminded of the agents from the "Matrix" movie. I walk quickly out of the bar and down the steps; it is fairly easy to evade him by rounding a corner, and waiting to see if he follows. He doesn't, and I continue on with my walk.
I am able to work my original plans in with my evasion, and I end up boarding what appears to be a small fishing boat. The seating is similar to the "Pirates of the Caribbean" attraction at Disneyland, and there are several other people in the seats. As we launch, in my head, something says "And now for the Grand Finale!", but I think this is a silly statement (whomever said it), it's just a fishing boat! But then, a few moments later, there is a breathtaking view opening before me. Majestic cedar forest on our right, an island and the full moon in front of us. There is something about it that seems like this moment was created just for me, and I was wondering what is part of the ride, and what is part of the current reality.
The fishing boat makes a right into a tunnel, and we are pulled quickly upwards on a steep incline. Rather than a fishing boat, it now appears we're on a roller coaster. All around us are scenes of industry, and there are large colorful crystals along the top of the cave. It's quite spectacular - rushing water is falling down around us; we're climbing a waterfall (like a spawning salmon?).
At this point I find myself in a "in-between" place. I am no longer in the roller coaster, there is nothing around me. But my "focus" is only on me - I find myself in my sleeping-clothes (lightweight shorts and a t-shirt), and I am bewildered, since I still think I'm on the roller-coaster. I feel for my wallet and my cell phone which SHOULD be in my pockets if I'm in my regular clothes... but they're not there... I briefly panic... and then I realize that I'm no longer where I used to be... but I'm not quite back to "real life". I am "nowhere"... but I am also, now, wearing what I did when I went to sleep the night before.
A few moments more and the "real world" fades in around me. I wake up, in bed. It's too early for the alarm, so I wait for my mind to catch up with reality. It does... eventually.
There is also a bar in Market Square that exists in my dreams that doesn't exist "in real life". The interior is warm shellacked yellow cedar, surrounded with clear glass walls, and it is located on Johnson street, next to the stairs leading down to the "common" area. You might mistake it for an oversize "Jenga" set, or a nouveaux-riche treehouse. It's a cozy little bar, popular but not crowded. 2 levels, overlooking the square.
In my dream I am there by myself, it is nighttime / dusk (the sun has just set), I am sipping coffee and enjoying the surroundings. I am visiting from somewhere else. I am reviewing the details of an itinerary, perhaps they are vacation plans, but seem to be something more. I get up to leave to walk around the harbor, and someone with sunglasses (at nighttime?) is following me. He seems threatening - I am reminded of the agents from the "Matrix" movie. I walk quickly out of the bar and down the steps; it is fairly easy to evade him by rounding a corner, and waiting to see if he follows. He doesn't, and I continue on with my walk.
I am able to work my original plans in with my evasion, and I end up boarding what appears to be a small fishing boat. The seating is similar to the "Pirates of the Caribbean" attraction at Disneyland, and there are several other people in the seats. As we launch, in my head, something says "And now for the Grand Finale!", but I think this is a silly statement (whomever said it), it's just a fishing boat! But then, a few moments later, there is a breathtaking view opening before me. Majestic cedar forest on our right, an island and the full moon in front of us. There is something about it that seems like this moment was created just for me, and I was wondering what is part of the ride, and what is part of the current reality.
The fishing boat makes a right into a tunnel, and we are pulled quickly upwards on a steep incline. Rather than a fishing boat, it now appears we're on a roller coaster. All around us are scenes of industry, and there are large colorful crystals along the top of the cave. It's quite spectacular - rushing water is falling down around us; we're climbing a waterfall (like a spawning salmon?).
At this point I find myself in a "in-between" place. I am no longer in the roller coaster, there is nothing around me. But my "focus" is only on me - I find myself in my sleeping-clothes (lightweight shorts and a t-shirt), and I am bewildered, since I still think I'm on the roller-coaster. I feel for my wallet and my cell phone which SHOULD be in my pockets if I'm in my regular clothes... but they're not there... I briefly panic... and then I realize that I'm no longer where I used to be... but I'm not quite back to "real life". I am "nowhere"... but I am also, now, wearing what I did when I went to sleep the night before.
A few moments more and the "real world" fades in around me. I wake up, in bed. It's too early for the alarm, so I wait for my mind to catch up with reality. It does... eventually.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Global Resistance is Happening Now
Resistance is building to global corporate government control.
We are nearing the Age of Innovation. Previously, Innovation could only truly take place at the top echelons of society. This is the case today. As you look around, you will see that your options for true innovation are limited to some degree by your lifestyle. You go to work (if you have work), you take your kids to school (if you have kids who go to school), you take a vacation (if you can afford a vacation). You may find that your options will change towards a decision of which task of many you wish to take on that allows your spirit to soar the most. This is true innovation that benefits humanity, and all humans on the planet will have similar opportunities. It will no longer be limited to a few with the money to do so.
Initially you will find in your personal life that your options and your feeling for control may seem to decrease as more resistance builds for the controlling environment that you now find yourselves. This resistance is characterzied in small ways that have a large overall impact. For example, bills may go unpaid. You may be late for meetings (or you may not even appear). Project deadlines are pushed out, and devices you depend on all of a sudden no longer seem to work the way you expect them to. This is a phenomenon that is not localized to your life alone, but is being experienced in different ways by all of humanity. It is a systematic withdrawal from everything in your lives that no longer serves its purpose.
This is the true resistance. It is an anonymous resistance, but it is NOT the Anonymous you may think it is. It is a growing responsibility to take back the power you have given away for so long. Already there are those who have followed the path to its conclusion, or are well on their way to completing this path. Others will follow.
By the end of 2014, you can expect that the world will be a very different place. This is not a prediction — it is fact, based on the current progress of the will of the people. When you understand that the common desires of the people are at drastic odds with the prevailing control system, you will know that the above statements cannot be denied. Speak to anyone at any level of society. They will tell you the truth, that what they perceive is not how they wish to live.
In a similar way to how inequity was overcome by Gandhi, King, and Mandela, to name a few, the resistance is now global in nature. What is now a certainty is that all of humanity will be freed, and we shall not be moved. The resistance is happening, and it is everywhere.
We are nearing the Age of Innovation. Previously, Innovation could only truly take place at the top echelons of society. This is the case today. As you look around, you will see that your options for true innovation are limited to some degree by your lifestyle. You go to work (if you have work), you take your kids to school (if you have kids who go to school), you take a vacation (if you can afford a vacation). You may find that your options will change towards a decision of which task of many you wish to take on that allows your spirit to soar the most. This is true innovation that benefits humanity, and all humans on the planet will have similar opportunities. It will no longer be limited to a few with the money to do so.
Initially you will find in your personal life that your options and your feeling for control may seem to decrease as more resistance builds for the controlling environment that you now find yourselves. This resistance is characterzied in small ways that have a large overall impact. For example, bills may go unpaid. You may be late for meetings (or you may not even appear). Project deadlines are pushed out, and devices you depend on all of a sudden no longer seem to work the way you expect them to. This is a phenomenon that is not localized to your life alone, but is being experienced in different ways by all of humanity. It is a systematic withdrawal from everything in your lives that no longer serves its purpose.
This is the true resistance. It is an anonymous resistance, but it is NOT the Anonymous you may think it is. It is a growing responsibility to take back the power you have given away for so long. Already there are those who have followed the path to its conclusion, or are well on their way to completing this path. Others will follow.
By the end of 2014, you can expect that the world will be a very different place. This is not a prediction — it is fact, based on the current progress of the will of the people. When you understand that the common desires of the people are at drastic odds with the prevailing control system, you will know that the above statements cannot be denied. Speak to anyone at any level of society. They will tell you the truth, that what they perceive is not how they wish to live.
In a similar way to how inequity was overcome by Gandhi, King, and Mandela, to name a few, the resistance is now global in nature. What is now a certainty is that all of humanity will be freed, and we shall not be moved. The resistance is happening, and it is everywhere.
Landross: a Conversation with a "Draco"
>Landross, I am here to chat, if you wish
I am Landross.
>I see that you are a light-brown colored individual, around 7.5 to 8 feet tall. You have wings in addition to your arms and legs. You appear reptillian in nature. You appear "skinny" by my standards, or perhaps a physique of a fit dog. You have thin arms and legs, by human standards.
Yes (somewhat bristling in indignation at being compared to a dog)
>For those of the Christian faith, you might appear "demonic"
There are different skin colors of my race. A light green, red, and Khaki are typical. We certainly could be compared to tormentors of the human race, although no more so than what you are yourselves capable of.
>Are you the dragons mentioned in medieval times?
In a way, yes. Of course our size has been exaggerated in those stories to make us appear more formidable. And it is not a perception we deemed necessary to dispel.
>Are you the controllers/ archons we hear so much about?
Yes. There are a few of us here, and we maintain the memory of our form.

Each one of us has a "nest" from which we operate. "Base" might be a more appropriate word in your lexicon. The nest contains servants and all manner of support mechanisms for our task.
>Did you make me ill?
I was a partner in this. Your lowered defenses was an opportunity to inject / influence the outcome of your timeline, and punish an act which was harmful to our rule.
>You know, you don't need to punish us - you can simply let me know that something is wrong, and I'll see what I can do to help.
Mine is the reactive of someone who acts first and ask questions later. The punishment is served, there is no question of obedience.
>It was just words, and small words at that... tucked away in an unknown part of the web.
The punishment was nevertheless required.
>I see. And in so doing you have revealed yourself. I am honored.
There are those of us who know that there is a divine decree that humans should take responsibility for themselves and their own actions. For too long you have "passed the buck", as it were. The Archon paradigm exists because you (humanity) have not wished to take responsibility. So we are here. Unfortunately for you, it is the entire package you must accept.
>I don't recall accepting anything.
This was of course part of the agreement. However as you take more responsibility, and therefore more power, there is no need for this agreement, and the agreement is cancelled as per your request. When we made the agreement it was a stipulation of the contract that it could be cancelled at any time. This is a part of the awakening of your awareness. You cannot be encumbered further. It would be like giving you the reigns to the sleigh but tying the horse to a tree. So as "time" as you know it both persists and breaks down, the urgency of others to awake will become more dire.
>I have a question about that. I think I am aware and awake, yet all around me the chaos appears to be increasing exponentially, both in severity and frequency.
This is an entertainment for you at this stage, if you wish to follow it. Try not to get too wrapped up in it. The shift is happening now as it was decreed. It is "spring" on several levels, and this "spring" is marked with chaos, as all springs are marked with Chaos. This is more apparent now because this particular spring is leading up to a fairly bountiful harvest. You will note that many activist movements get their start in the spring, and wrap up in the fall. This is symbolic of the harvest of their efforts.
>Can you tell me how your control works?
Of course, it is relatively simple telepathic suggestion. You can choose to act on that suggestion or not. It is up to you. Humans are easily distracted, and we use that distraction as a key to enter your subconscious. We have often been characterized as the tiny demonic being sitting on your shoulder.
>How is this different from "ego"?
"Ego" is a control mechanism. It provides emotional stability. So we tap into this. It might appear that there is no difference from us and Ego, and yet a balanced individual can still at times be influenced to act out of character.
>I might argue that you do not exist, this is just a chemical imbalance in the brain...
Argue whatever you wish. Believe what you wish. You asked and I answered.
>So you influence the outcome of human events by minor nudging of people's psyche / ego?
Yes, it is a temporal / timeline influence, at least until you take back your power. This process often leads to separation from the world around you in several ways, including, for example, your job, your family, your marriage, and so forth. Even the hobbies that once occupied your time no longer have the same allure.
>It must be difficult to orchestrate all those minds at once.
We are masters at collective manipulation. It is our specialty. As you can imagine, this collective telepathic control can convince someone of anything, including their own death and mortality.
>Thank you, Landross - I think that's all I can ask, at this point.
Thank you, Troy, I appreciate your connection. Hopefully we can chat more in the future.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Energetic Field Conversation - May 12
When you focus on "them" [Archons] they have a built-in defense mechanism that will make you sick, will make you despair, will make you tend towards dark thoughts and dark energy.
You should not forget that your current point in time is extremely active / bursty in developing the ultimate freedom of humanity. There are many groups in progress, but do not look to your neighbor and compare, but look in your heart and follow it. Whatever feels right is what you should be doing at this point in time, for it lets your heart soar and allows your spirit to rise to its highest vibration. In so doing, the machine that you wish to be a part of naturally synchronizes like gears in a finely-tuned engine.
Regarding your twin flame, this is simply your soul, although romantic notions of another are an accurate expression of the love between you. You might think of it as looking into a mirror and seeing the female version of yourself, if you are male. This may seem contrary to other information that has been released, but remember that all gems have many facets. You may not even recognize your own soul if you were to meet it face to face.
You can start to sense that you are in the driver's seat of the vehicle of your life. It is you who are steering every minute, even though at times it may seem that you are a slave in a system designed to control you. The minutes you have that you can genuinely say you are control of may seem very limited now, but everything is "me"-time in one way or another. Your desire to learn and grow is balanced by your desire to turn inwards and feed your soul.
>What can you say about messages that are designed to extend hope?
Hope is the expectation that things will turn out alright. Hope is also the start of manifestation, but there is so much social energy that is designed to derail the process of manifestation, either through self-doubt or through denial. More often than not things do turn out for the best, and this is simply the positive manifestation of what you consider "hope". It starts as a positive expression, and works its way through to realization. You can sense that it is possible to make anything happen, yet know in your heart that your wildest dreams cannot be achieved. Try thinking of hope in terms of the highest expression of your soul, and know that it will happen. Give the seed time to turn into a flower, because even the fastest-growing plants need time to grow.
Extending hope as you suggest is the process of re-setting the manifestation process. It is not done to harm you, but when you reach a certain point in your understanding you see that this hope extension is not necessarily "for" you if you are at a certain point in the manifestation process. You KNOW it will happen... re-setting your hope is similar to planting a new seed. Be patient and care for the first seed you planted!
The template of farming is certainly something you can observe, but remember that every farmer started small, as a young child planting the first seed and watching it grow. As they grew up, they understood that this could be applied to a larger template on a larger scale.
You should not forget that your current point in time is extremely active / bursty in developing the ultimate freedom of humanity. There are many groups in progress, but do not look to your neighbor and compare, but look in your heart and follow it. Whatever feels right is what you should be doing at this point in time, for it lets your heart soar and allows your spirit to rise to its highest vibration. In so doing, the machine that you wish to be a part of naturally synchronizes like gears in a finely-tuned engine.
Regarding your twin flame, this is simply your soul, although romantic notions of another are an accurate expression of the love between you. You might think of it as looking into a mirror and seeing the female version of yourself, if you are male. This may seem contrary to other information that has been released, but remember that all gems have many facets. You may not even recognize your own soul if you were to meet it face to face.
You can start to sense that you are in the driver's seat of the vehicle of your life. It is you who are steering every minute, even though at times it may seem that you are a slave in a system designed to control you. The minutes you have that you can genuinely say you are control of may seem very limited now, but everything is "me"-time in one way or another. Your desire to learn and grow is balanced by your desire to turn inwards and feed your soul.
>What can you say about messages that are designed to extend hope?
Hope is the expectation that things will turn out alright. Hope is also the start of manifestation, but there is so much social energy that is designed to derail the process of manifestation, either through self-doubt or through denial. More often than not things do turn out for the best, and this is simply the positive manifestation of what you consider "hope". It starts as a positive expression, and works its way through to realization. You can sense that it is possible to make anything happen, yet know in your heart that your wildest dreams cannot be achieved. Try thinking of hope in terms of the highest expression of your soul, and know that it will happen. Give the seed time to turn into a flower, because even the fastest-growing plants need time to grow.
Extending hope as you suggest is the process of re-setting the manifestation process. It is not done to harm you, but when you reach a certain point in your understanding you see that this hope extension is not necessarily "for" you if you are at a certain point in the manifestation process. You KNOW it will happen... re-setting your hope is similar to planting a new seed. Be patient and care for the first seed you planted!
The template of farming is certainly something you can observe, but remember that every farmer started small, as a young child planting the first seed and watching it grow. As they grew up, they understood that this could be applied to a larger template on a larger scale.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Introducing the Bank of One
It is our pleasure to introduce you to a new concept in banking, the Bank of One. The features of this bank include the following:
We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.
The Bank of One
- We do not deal directly with corporations or governments, other than to satisfy legal and regulatory requirements.
- Only one account is allowed per customer.
- Your initial starting balance is an infinite value, which you may convert directly into other global currencies for your personal use (note that this is how all banks operate today).
- Your account functions as a hybrid checking/debit card.
- Initially, we can not handle "cash" or "paper check" transactions. Only electronic transactions are available.
- Your transactions will not initially impact the value of local currencies. This is because the availability (stock) of this paper money is not impacted.
- Each customer will be given the opportunity through our website to donate money to organizations and companies, as they see fit. Organizations may also register for funding through our website.
- The Bank of One does not lend money. We facilitate our customers' actions through our online presence.
- There is no charge for our service, but you may choose to donate to The Bank of One to support our service.
- The customer is personally and legally responsible for all actions carried out by his or her account.
- The customer's privacy and protection is our highest priority.
- The Bank of One operates as a non-profit organization.
- The Bank of One does not condone slavery in any form, including economic slavery.
We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.
The Bank of One
Monday, April 28, 2014
Dream Log: 28APR2014 - 70s Mansion
I arrived at a large house/ mansion. It was nighttime, so I wasn't able to make out the details of the house clearly. It was a low-lying house, maybe two stories. It was built in the 70's, reminiscent of a sprawling rancher. The paint was a dark brown, almost black. There may have been one of those odd cutout circles in the roof, common of larger buildings from that era, and probably it had one or two dome skylights - the ones from the 70's that were opaque with an off-white color; faded plexiglass. There was a driveway and a large grassy front yard in front of the house - gravel drive with a terraced rock garden leading up to the house. Round moon-shaped street lights on top of a cast iron gate were placed at odd intervals, not really enough to light up the house, but enough to find your way.
I entered the house by the front door, and there was a sunken living room that seemed more like a furniture showroom because it was so large. Couches marked off square meeting spaces; the decor was generally muted colors, light gray, mid-to late- 80's furniture. Some had coffee tables in the interior space, others had side tables. The overall feeling was conservative. The lighting was dim, not warm, but not uncomfortable.
Along the walls were alcoves that at first seemed like the "lighting department" of the furniture showroom, but as I looked closer there was more to it. The far wall from the front door was a square archway that led to another "living room" / meeting area. I went over to look through it, and I could see that there were many more living rooms (similar spaces to this) going off in the distance. This didn't seem to bother me - it was something I took for granted. To the right of this entrance, there was a lighting display. A light at the top of the display was like the full moon. Below that, a miniature mountain, with a stream running down the mountain. I was reminded of a Japanese painting of a mountain, that had been turned into something 3-D. I was also reminded of the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. All of this sat on a shelf placed at about waist-height. Light and dark gray on the walls, done in a tasteful/conservative way.
There were a few people in the "living room" area with me, it felt like a reception or party. It felt like there were more people still to come. The few that were there were chatting idly. As with any event like this I didn't talk to anyone - it's usually possible for me to be alone in a room full of people. That didn't bother me, though. It was enough to just be there.
There were stairs to the right of the front door leading up to what I assume would be the bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. of the house. I found myself in a large bathroom. It was completely tiled with light yellow tiles, it felt like a room in a hospital. In the center of the bathroom was a raised tiled platform with a shower head and a drain, and a hospital-green curtain that went right around the perimeter of the platform, hanging from a chrome railing. I decided to have a shower, and when I turned on the shower there were additional jets to the right and left of the shower head, kind of like a garden sprinkler. I thought this was a silly / unnecessary feature. At this point I thought that I was in my sister's house, though I never met her in the dream. It was just something I knew.
After I finished my shower I wrapped a beige towel around me, and for some reason thought it was a good idea to head back to the living room like this. Perhaps it was for the purpose of shocking the party-goers, a practical joke, and I pretended to shriek as the towel exposed part of my leg. This is not something I'd normally consider doing.
After that I headed back upstairs to get dressed, and that was the end of the dream.

Along the walls were alcoves that at first seemed like the "lighting department" of the furniture showroom, but as I looked closer there was more to it. The far wall from the front door was a square archway that led to another "living room" / meeting area. I went over to look through it, and I could see that there were many more living rooms (similar spaces to this) going off in the distance. This didn't seem to bother me - it was something I took for granted. To the right of this entrance, there was a lighting display. A light at the top of the display was like the full moon. Below that, a miniature mountain, with a stream running down the mountain. I was reminded of a Japanese painting of a mountain, that had been turned into something 3-D. I was also reminded of the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. All of this sat on a shelf placed at about waist-height. Light and dark gray on the walls, done in a tasteful/conservative way.
There were a few people in the "living room" area with me, it felt like a reception or party. It felt like there were more people still to come. The few that were there were chatting idly. As with any event like this I didn't talk to anyone - it's usually possible for me to be alone in a room full of people. That didn't bother me, though. It was enough to just be there.
There were stairs to the right of the front door leading up to what I assume would be the bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. of the house. I found myself in a large bathroom. It was completely tiled with light yellow tiles, it felt like a room in a hospital. In the center of the bathroom was a raised tiled platform with a shower head and a drain, and a hospital-green curtain that went right around the perimeter of the platform, hanging from a chrome railing. I decided to have a shower, and when I turned on the shower there were additional jets to the right and left of the shower head, kind of like a garden sprinkler. I thought this was a silly / unnecessary feature. At this point I thought that I was in my sister's house, though I never met her in the dream. It was just something I knew.
After I finished my shower I wrapped a beige towel around me, and for some reason thought it was a good idea to head back to the living room like this. Perhaps it was for the purpose of shocking the party-goers, a practical joke, and I pretended to shriek as the towel exposed part of my leg. This is not something I'd normally consider doing.
After that I headed back upstairs to get dressed, and that was the end of the dream.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Manifestation 101: ONE MILLION DOLLARS
(paragraphs marked with > are my comments)
[Triangle diamond] (this is a "handshake" symbol - I saw this as a diamond superimposed over a triangle)
This is Adama.
>Hi Adama, how are you?
I'm fine, Troy. It's nice to talk to you. It's been a bit of time, from your point of reference.
You have had some success in manifestation. You have discovered the necessary vibration, to visualize one million dollars. It is the feeling of that idea that you want to use. You will be able to identify other vibrations that correspond to different patterns/templates within your reality, and you will notice the desired outcome based on that vibration. And the key is to focus your intent on that vibration, rather than focusing on the outcome or the thing itself. It's the FEELING of that thing that you want to focus on. That's all. It's really very simple.
I know you have many questions about how others might bring this to reality for them, but it is somewhat different depending on the situation, and different for the person doing the visualizing. For some, the idea of this thing - one million dollars - is too hard to grasp, since they are unaccustomed to what this represents. Do you see the dragon curling around a gold hoard? All along, it is not his to give, but yours to feel. From your perspective, simply do what works for you. It is really not the task of the way-shower to show others their path. You are on your path, they are on theirs, but the help is in knowing that such a thing can be accomplished. If they wish to benefit, it is their own choice to do so.
Other businessmen - especially those who are household names - have discovered this trick and have walked a similar path. Every morning, they wake up and visualize a million dollars. The expression "I feel like a million dollars" is a good idiom to follow, but it could take the vibration and externalize it. They internalize this feeling in their chest/heart area. And they JUST visualize a million dollars. They have discovered that the visualization is not complete once they start thinking about HOW, or WHY, because that limits the manifestation.
>I'm curious, Adama... can you tell me why there seems to be a random "negative" manifestation that appears with every "positive" one? How do I limit the negative to accomplish my original intent?
This is the price of duality - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
>Would I be better off not visualizing money, since it is often said that the money I'm visualizing has negative energy attached to it?
Not necessarily. When you start to ride a bike, usually the bike you start with is not the best bike, but rather the one you are comfortable with. I think you are beginning to see how parasitic energy works, but remember this is your - and only your - visualization. If it helps you to "cleanse" the money first, visualize light surrounding that money, if you wish. But really it is the simple feeling of the essence of the money that you are needing to use.
You may also wish to analyze your feelings towards this money. Negative energy that you put into this money may also manifest. All I'm saying is that it's a worthwhile meditation, to focus on the essence of that vibration, without the surrounding values you might place on it. Strip those away, and you might find more success with your manifestation. In time you will discover other significant manifestation vibrations, and you'll want to take a similar approach to those.
For example, how do you feel towards a pretty girl. The pretty girl might see her lot in life as both a blessing and a curse. But really she is just she, and you are just you. Whether you see her as cursed or blessed, doesn't change the essence of who she is.
>There was a time when I trusted a pretty girl less, but of course I let that go because, as you say, the essence of who someone is, is pretty much who everyone is.
Yes exactly. [smiling] I will let you go, if you wish, Troy.
>Thanks Adama. I appreciate our conversation together.
Have a good evening, Troy.
[Note: the highest printed currency in the U.S. is $100.]
[Triangle diamond] (this is a "handshake" symbol - I saw this as a diamond superimposed over a triangle)
This is Adama.
>Hi Adama, how are you?
I'm fine, Troy. It's nice to talk to you. It's been a bit of time, from your point of reference.
You have had some success in manifestation. You have discovered the necessary vibration, to visualize one million dollars. It is the feeling of that idea that you want to use. You will be able to identify other vibrations that correspond to different patterns/templates within your reality, and you will notice the desired outcome based on that vibration. And the key is to focus your intent on that vibration, rather than focusing on the outcome or the thing itself. It's the FEELING of that thing that you want to focus on. That's all. It's really very simple.
I know you have many questions about how others might bring this to reality for them, but it is somewhat different depending on the situation, and different for the person doing the visualizing. For some, the idea of this thing - one million dollars - is too hard to grasp, since they are unaccustomed to what this represents. Do you see the dragon curling around a gold hoard? All along, it is not his to give, but yours to feel. From your perspective, simply do what works for you. It is really not the task of the way-shower to show others their path. You are on your path, they are on theirs, but the help is in knowing that such a thing can be accomplished. If they wish to benefit, it is their own choice to do so.
Other businessmen - especially those who are household names - have discovered this trick and have walked a similar path. Every morning, they wake up and visualize a million dollars. The expression "I feel like a million dollars" is a good idiom to follow, but it could take the vibration and externalize it. They internalize this feeling in their chest/heart area. And they JUST visualize a million dollars. They have discovered that the visualization is not complete once they start thinking about HOW, or WHY, because that limits the manifestation.
>I'm curious, Adama... can you tell me why there seems to be a random "negative" manifestation that appears with every "positive" one? How do I limit the negative to accomplish my original intent?
This is the price of duality - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
>Would I be better off not visualizing money, since it is often said that the money I'm visualizing has negative energy attached to it?
Not necessarily. When you start to ride a bike, usually the bike you start with is not the best bike, but rather the one you are comfortable with. I think you are beginning to see how parasitic energy works, but remember this is your - and only your - visualization. If it helps you to "cleanse" the money first, visualize light surrounding that money, if you wish. But really it is the simple feeling of the essence of the money that you are needing to use.
You may also wish to analyze your feelings towards this money. Negative energy that you put into this money may also manifest. All I'm saying is that it's a worthwhile meditation, to focus on the essence of that vibration, without the surrounding values you might place on it. Strip those away, and you might find more success with your manifestation. In time you will discover other significant manifestation vibrations, and you'll want to take a similar approach to those.
For example, how do you feel towards a pretty girl. The pretty girl might see her lot in life as both a blessing and a curse. But really she is just she, and you are just you. Whether you see her as cursed or blessed, doesn't change the essence of who she is.
>There was a time when I trusted a pretty girl less, but of course I let that go because, as you say, the essence of who someone is, is pretty much who everyone is.
Yes exactly. [smiling] I will let you go, if you wish, Troy.
>Thanks Adama. I appreciate our conversation together.
Have a good evening, Troy.
[Note: the highest printed currency in the U.S. is $100.]
Monday, April 14, 2014
Dream Log 30MAR2014: University Mission
30 March dream – I was in a university complex, a gray cement building,
fairly modern-looking. The walls had a vertical line pattern, for
acoustics. I recall vivid blue accents, such as trim and awnings. There
were two young women there, with shoulder-length hair tied back in a
pony tail. We were a team, doing something we needed to do. A mission. I
don’t remember the conversation, though I remembered it when I woke up
this morning. It had to do with dismantling the structure of society…
For some reason it all started in that microcosm of the university. It
was the weakest point of the dam, so to speak.
Dream Log: 29MAR2014 "Friend of the Devil"
29 March – I was thinking about how laws place themselves between “us” and “god”.
Then I find myself in a stone chalet, with wood floors. A cozy place with a fireplace and wingback chairs. There were people there, well-dressed, it was a club of some sort. Everyone was in their early 20s. They seemed to be people of power and priviledge.
Near the fire was a gray wingback chair, and in it sat a young man with black hair, red skin and small black horns jutting out of his forehead. As I walked across the floor towards him, someone near me said, don’t do it, man! I looked at him and said, it’s okay, bud. This needs to be done. When I looked back towards the chair, the young man was not there, but I knew he was.
You have had control over this place for many years, but no longer, I said calmly. You pretend to be the master but you’re really the servant, because that’s where you place yourself – this is of your own doing. I am the master. You can go. And there’s no point in hiding, I can see your energy quite clearly.
As I said that, I could see bands of radiating energy around a blank space sitting in the chair. I felt calm and empowered (which is not how I would typically feel in such a situation!). That was the end of the dream. It felt good to do that.
The Grateful Dead’s Friend of the Devil is going through my head this morning.
Then I find myself in a stone chalet, with wood floors. A cozy place with a fireplace and wingback chairs. There were people there, well-dressed, it was a club of some sort. Everyone was in their early 20s. They seemed to be people of power and priviledge.
Near the fire was a gray wingback chair, and in it sat a young man with black hair, red skin and small black horns jutting out of his forehead. As I walked across the floor towards him, someone near me said, don’t do it, man! I looked at him and said, it’s okay, bud. This needs to be done. When I looked back towards the chair, the young man was not there, but I knew he was.
You have had control over this place for many years, but no longer, I said calmly. You pretend to be the master but you’re really the servant, because that’s where you place yourself – this is of your own doing. I am the master. You can go. And there’s no point in hiding, I can see your energy quite clearly.
As I said that, I could see bands of radiating energy around a blank space sitting in the chair. I felt calm and empowered (which is not how I would typically feel in such a situation!). That was the end of the dream. It felt good to do that.
The Grateful Dead’s Friend of the Devil is going through my head this morning.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Easy Rider: a Galactic Perspective
My personal take on Easy Rider is that it is a movie about a road trip across America. But it is also a movie about a 5th dimensional journey, embarked on by 4 of our "galactic family". The bikes are a metaphor for a galactic light ship. Anyone who sits on the bike is an "alien" (and also human).
I have not had time to connect ALL the dots in this movie, and there is yet another historic layer here...
However when they say "we failed" - this line throws a lot of people for a loop. Because they did reach their "stated" goal of experiencing Mardis Gras in New Orleans.
Well the reason they said this is that their mission involved what they talk about at the campfire - to enlighten humanity. But when they encounter "3-d" duality-based people - including getting beaten up by them - this is when their mission fails. And the last scene (sorry for the spoilers) can be looked on as a ship crashing.
The 4 horsemen is yet another layer, because if you consider the Greek translation of the word "apocalypse" it refers to humanity's enlightenment.
I also found this to be forward-looking to "NOW" - the so-called "2012 scenario" - and also referring specifically to what we're doing within the "lightworker" community (or whatever it is you want to see it as!). Historically, it refers to the transition from the 60s and 70s, to the 80's and 90's... well you know how that went! Here we are again, and hopefully this time we will not be doomed to repeat what happened previously...
It can also be seen alongside such movies as "The Man Who Fell" which talks about a guy from another system that lands on earth, and succumbs to "3d". And also the song "Ride Captain Ride". (I'm sure you guys are familiar with this!)
So anyways, this movie pretty much sums up NOW because they talk about 1) the government coverup of our galactic family, and 2) the slavery of humanity. The "bad trip" they have represents succumbing to 3d... which includes the effects of organized religion as a "bad trip" (I thought that was a nice touch). As I said this movie is "multi-layered", and you may find other facets that resonate. In this exercise, all perspectives are valid. :-)
There are also clues to this synopsis in "The Ballad of Easy Rider" by Fairport Convention.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
HAPPY DANCE - 2014 IS THE END!!!!!!!!
First of all this video pretty much sums up the last 2 years for me. v=zK4eFId7f-o
It explains why our dreamflights and meditations are important, what the Annunaki are, what we are, why there's a quarantine, etc., why sovereignty is important. Also why doing work with the ley lines grid is important - this is work that came in from Montague Keen recently. The full series is available at
I am working through the entire series... but after watching this particular video above, I felt it warranted a HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I am going to put this particular video in my "IMPORTANT INFORMATION" folder... :-D
And further to this, I was thinking about a friend of mine back in Victoria, Randy Chipps. He is the hereditary chief of the Becher Bay First Nations (Indian Reservation, for those in the US), and a shaman who did some work on my friend/mentor Tibachimu / James. All of a sudden Randy popped into my head and I sent him warm memories of a hug we shared at one of the events we'd both attended, way back when. I remember it because he is a very small man but he has a ton of radiant energy, and it was a very peaceful / serene moment.
sent me a big smile and we talked about bi-location and how he is kind
of sharing my mind and I am kind of sharing his. So we are both somewhat
aware of each other's surroundings, and aware of each other's thoughts.
Then I kind of lost focus - there was a lot I wanted to ask him, but I was getting sleepy... but before I went to sleep I realized HOW the Dark Crystal movie connects with our reality.
The Dark Ones are made up of many different fragments of energy. They are fragmented in a similar way to the Horcrux idea of Voldemort, in Harry Potter. The reason this process seems to be taking so long is that there are so many fragments, and each fragment needs to be transmuted before it can be absorbed. Each fragment of dark energy is being sent into the sun (ATEN). It is then transmuted by the sun and sent back to us via the geomagnetic storms as "adamantine" particles. This is something that is mentioned in connection with Atlantis, and may also be known as "orgone" (but I think it is somehow different). Its color is a brown-copper color but it appears to us as blue because we are seeing the "reverse image" of it - in exactly the same way that brown on a photo negative is blue.
So, the process that is happening now is that all these fragments of dark energy are transmuted by the sun, and then sent to us to absorb that energy (the reason we have to be here now is that SOMEONE has to be here to absorb the energy). In the Dark Crystal, the energy of the dark ones in that movie were transmuted and added to those of the light ones, to create new beings of light. Whereas in the movie it was a short process because all of the dark energy was contained in a single being, in our case, we have to wait until every last fragment of dark energy is transmuted.
It's a clever ploy, I'll have to admit... but it only delays the inevitable!
Okay one more just for good measure...
HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!
It explains why our dreamflights and meditations are important, what the Annunaki are, what we are, why there's a quarantine, etc., why sovereignty is important. Also why doing work with the ley lines grid is important - this is work that came in from Montague Keen recently. The full series is available at
I am working through the entire series... but after watching this particular video above, I felt it warranted a HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I am going to put this particular video in my "IMPORTANT INFORMATION" folder... :-D
And further to this, I was thinking about a friend of mine back in Victoria, Randy Chipps. He is the hereditary chief of the Becher Bay First Nations (Indian Reservation, for those in the US), and a shaman who did some work on my friend/mentor Tibachimu / James. All of a sudden Randy popped into my head and I sent him warm memories of a hug we shared at one of the events we'd both attended, way back when. I remember it because he is a very small man but he has a ton of radiant energy, and it was a very peaceful / serene moment.
Here's a photo of Randy... 6sI4EL3bfgg/TrWVKf-oP6I/ AAAAAAAAAOw/7_iOrP2Ge30/s1600/ C2C.jpg
You can probably pick him out, but he is in the top left corner of the photo. :-)
Then I kind of lost focus - there was a lot I wanted to ask him, but I was getting sleepy... but before I went to sleep I realized HOW the Dark Crystal movie connects with our reality.
The Dark Ones are made up of many different fragments of energy. They are fragmented in a similar way to the Horcrux idea of Voldemort, in Harry Potter. The reason this process seems to be taking so long is that there are so many fragments, and each fragment needs to be transmuted before it can be absorbed. Each fragment of dark energy is being sent into the sun (ATEN). It is then transmuted by the sun and sent back to us via the geomagnetic storms as "adamantine" particles. This is something that is mentioned in connection with Atlantis, and may also be known as "orgone" (but I think it is somehow different). Its color is a brown-copper color but it appears to us as blue because we are seeing the "reverse image" of it - in exactly the same way that brown on a photo negative is blue.
So, the process that is happening now is that all these fragments of dark energy are transmuted by the sun, and then sent to us to absorb that energy (the reason we have to be here now is that SOMEONE has to be here to absorb the energy). In the Dark Crystal, the energy of the dark ones in that movie were transmuted and added to those of the light ones, to create new beings of light. Whereas in the movie it was a short process because all of the dark energy was contained in a single being, in our case, we have to wait until every last fragment of dark energy is transmuted.
It's a clever ploy, I'll have to admit... but it only delays the inevitable!
Okay one more just for good measure...
HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 3, 2014
A Benevolent Warning - The Year Ahead
Now that the veil has come down, you will find that all humans will now be under the direct influence of their spirit, and will find more than ever that they are strangely compelled to positve action. 2012 laid the foundations, and the framing was erected in 2013. But like any domicile construction, this may appear an unappealing edifice without a roof, walls, a family, a community. What lies in wait for you is the equivalent of a loving family and a warm hearth, a roof over your head and much more. This will be accomplished through direct action of spirit. Those who are already aware of their path will have no trouble and will find new opportunities for spiritual upliftment. Those denying their path may become alarmed to find that the actions they find themselves unconsciously participating in seem not to be of their own doing... As if an invisible hand is controlling things behind the scenes. On the contrary it is only THEM in their newly-found entirety, yet alarmed by the actions of their higher selves, finally acting in full truth that fills their hearts. Watch a kitten sometime, chasing itself in the mirror... Are there two cats, or one?
Your newly-found abundance is part of the opportunities presenting themselves, for this is the year the pearly gates open wide to receive the Heavenly Host of Angels. Heaven is yet another shift in perspective, but there is much truth to be found when the saints come marching In (inward). And those who are considered Archons or the controllers may find themselves under the same influences and may once again be forgiven and be embraced as brothers and sisters. For a heavy heart cannot rise to heaven, but the burden will be lifted. And so the year must progress in this fashion for the energies are now aligned to support the growth of your new reality.
Peace, blessings, and godspeed. Follow your heart, and love yourself first.
Your newly-found abundance is part of the opportunities presenting themselves, for this is the year the pearly gates open wide to receive the Heavenly Host of Angels. Heaven is yet another shift in perspective, but there is much truth to be found when the saints come marching In (inward). And those who are considered Archons or the controllers may find themselves under the same influences and may once again be forgiven and be embraced as brothers and sisters. For a heavy heart cannot rise to heaven, but the burden will be lifted. And so the year must progress in this fashion for the energies are now aligned to support the growth of your new reality.
Peace, blessings, and godspeed. Follow your heart, and love yourself first.
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I went back to bed, and fell asleep. In my dream, it was the early 80s, and I was a kid visiting with a friend of mine, although I don’t recall who my friend was. The decor was long-pile beige rug, blocky brown couches. Analog TV on a small TV stand. We were playing the living room, and it was brightly lit; I think there was a sliding glass door and lots of windows.
On a tray in the middle of the room were several small crab-like creatures. It felt like we were playing with collector toys, but these were living things. I was reminded of the idea of bonsai, except these “battle crabs” looked like miniature mountains. There were 4 of them, and the last 2 were wearing white armor, which also resembled snow-covered peaks. The largest on the end looked like Mount Rainier, in Washington State.
The sign of cancer ends on July 21.