Along the walls were alcoves that at first seemed like the "lighting department" of the furniture showroom, but as I looked closer there was more to it. The far wall from the front door was a square archway that led to another "living room" / meeting area. I went over to look through it, and I could see that there were many more living rooms (similar spaces to this) going off in the distance. This didn't seem to bother me - it was something I took for granted. To the right of this entrance, there was a lighting display. A light at the top of the display was like the full moon. Below that, a miniature mountain, with a stream running down the mountain. I was reminded of a Japanese painting of a mountain, that had been turned into something 3-D. I was also reminded of the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. All of this sat on a shelf placed at about waist-height. Light and dark gray on the walls, done in a tasteful/conservative way.
There were a few people in the "living room" area with me, it felt like a reception or party. It felt like there were more people still to come. The few that were there were chatting idly. As with any event like this I didn't talk to anyone - it's usually possible for me to be alone in a room full of people. That didn't bother me, though. It was enough to just be there.
There were stairs to the right of the front door leading up to what I assume would be the bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. of the house. I found myself in a large bathroom. It was completely tiled with light yellow tiles, it felt like a room in a hospital. In the center of the bathroom was a raised tiled platform with a shower head and a drain, and a hospital-green curtain that went right around the perimeter of the platform, hanging from a chrome railing. I decided to have a shower, and when I turned on the shower there were additional jets to the right and left of the shower head, kind of like a garden sprinkler. I thought this was a silly / unnecessary feature. At this point I thought that I was in my sister's house, though I never met her in the dream. It was just something I knew.
After I finished my shower I wrapped a beige towel around me, and for some reason thought it was a good idea to head back to the living room like this. Perhaps it was for the purpose of shocking the party-goers, a practical joke, and I pretended to shriek as the towel exposed part of my leg. This is not something I'd normally consider doing.
After that I headed back upstairs to get dressed, and that was the end of the dream.