Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dream Log: 17SEP2013: The Inside-Out House

I found myself standing on a ladder, apparently in the process of repairing the gutter of my home. It was a house built in the 1920's, an Edwardian style typical of homes on the Pacific Northwest, with a comfortable property and mature vegetation. Some friends of mine were also there, visiting, whom I knew from 15 years ago - middle-aged Baha'i's. One was Elena, the person who taught me Reiki; another was my good friend and mentor James Norquay, who introduced me to the pipe ceremony. Perhaps this is an indication that both of them have "passed to the next world" now, but it felt really nice to have them both close by; it was nice to visit with them. In the middle-distance I was vaguely aware of a three-story apartment building two blocks away, painted light blue and white, which I could see out of the corner of my eye from my vantage point on the ladder.

It was dusk. The street lamps were on, but it was still light enough to see. It felt like a warm early-fall evening.

The home next door to my left was just a wood frame with pink insulation covering every exterior surface. The house was in no way properly finished; it almost seemed inside-out. The wood framing was weather-worn oak, as though the house had always been that way. It was the kind of house a "hoarder" would live in, and I had a sense that someone marginally lived there, with old junk in every room, and no power to light the rooms.

What had caught my attention was a large german shepard standing on the roof of this house, entertaining himself by ferociously trying to "kill" one of the flats of the pink insulation. He was tossing it back and forth in his jaws as dogs will do, growling in a ferocious way (the scale of this image will tell you how big the dog was...). For some reason this didn't seem to bother me.

My son Dylan was standing at the foot of another ladder, and I noticed there was also a large black shape with its back to us, which seemed to be a bear (all I recall seeing is a large black something that was vaguely bear-shaped). I said to my son, you'd better come up here, there's a bear down there. I wasn't at all scared or alarmed by this. So he climbed up the ladder and smiled at me. We were safe near our home.

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